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Representatives of RA NA Factions Meet with Special Representative on South Caucasus to OSCE PA
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On May 23, the Head of the RA NA RPA Faction Vahram Baghdasaryan, the Secretary of the Faction Gagik Melikyan, the Head of the RA NA Delegation to OSCE PA Artashes Geghamyan, the Head of the RA NA PAP Naira Zohrabyan, the member of the RA NA ARF Faction Mikayel Manukyan and the Secretary of the RA NA Heritage Faction Tevan Poghosyan met with the Special Representative on the South Caucasus to OSCE PA Kristian Vigenin.

Welcoming Kristian Vigenin in parliament the Head of the RPA Faction Vahram Baghdasaryan has noted that he is glad for the meeting and cooperation. In Vahram Baghdasaryan’s word, today the most topical themes are the events in Artsakh and their consequences, as not only the calmness of Artsakh, but also the whole region has been marred. He has documented that since the signing of the treaty on ceasefire Armenia has never violated the reached agreements, in contrast with Azerbaijan. Touching upon the meeting of the Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan held in Vienna in recent days, Vahram Baghdasaryan has underlined the importance and modernity of the RA President’s recommendations. The Head of the Faction has opined that the announcements of the international structures, which do not mention the immediate addressee, give motivation to Azerbaijan for freely acting: and this endangers the peace of the whole region. Vahram Baghdasaryan in his word reaffirmed Armenia’s resoluteness of solving the Nagorno Karabakh (NK) conflict through peaceful negotiations.

The Head of the PAP Faction Naira Zohrabyan congratulated Kristian Vigenin on assuming his new position. Referring to the settlement of the NK conflict, Mts Zohrabyan has noted that now the ball is on the field, and the international community is also responsible for further developments. Naira Zohrabyan documented with pain that she had personally seen the Armenian servicemen’s tortured bodies exchanged through Red Cross, whose photos had also been posted on Baku State University and enjoyed the Azerbaijani young people’s approval. In Mrs Zohrabyan’s word, today the problem is also with the international community, which puts an equation sign between Armenia and Azerbaijan letting Azerbaijan to act unconstrained.

The Secretary of the Heritage Faction Tevan Poghosyan welcomed the guest and repeated the proposal that he had made a few months ago: visit Artsakh and personally get acquainted with the situation. In Mr Poghosyan’s opinion, the OSCE PA can assist in order all the means of monitoring are installed in the frontline, the monitoring mission is expanded, as well as really functioning mechanisms of investigation are invested. In Tevan Poghosyan’s word, we should not let that in future a one-sided resolution is adopted at the OSCE PA Annual Session to be held in Tbilisi, as in this situation the principle of not harming is very important. In his word, We should begin from Stepanakert, having before our eyes the twenty-five years old democratic state, Artsakh. The NA deputy invited Kristian Vigenin to visit Artsakh on September 2, on Independence Day of Artsakh and celebrate it together.

The Special Representative on the South Caucasus to OSCE PA Kristian Vigenin has noted that now he is in Yerevan with another status and documented that the only solution of the conflict is the peaceful means, negotiations. He noted that the meeting of the Presidents of the two countries held in Vienna created an opportunity to restart the process again. Kristian Vigenin asked his Armenian colleagues to indicate the OSCE possibilities, by which in their opinion it is possible to support the peaceful settlement process. He has noted that they support the Minsk Group Co-chairs’ work and no step should be taken which will discredit the Co-Chairs’ work.

Kristian Vigenin thanked the representatives of the NA Factions for supporting the activities of the OSCE Office in Yerevan.

He has noted that he is ready to organize a meeting with the participation of the Armenian and Azerbaijani sides in Sofia. At the end of the meeting Kristian Vigenin stated that he would visit Artsakh in future.

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